JBD enter a busy couple of months with the second of our Ageing Gracefully events being held at Butlins Skegness on May 7th. The show featuring former world number 1 Colin Lloyd, Bobby George, Peter Manley and current world number 17 Terry Jenkins will be held on the afternoon of the 7th and will also feature sky walk on girls Daniella Allfree and Charlotte Wood as well as the PDC dancers. This weekend (23-26th ) Norwich world number 30 Darren Webster flies to Saarbrucken Germany to compete in the Happy Bet European Tour 3. Websters first round match is on Friday afternoon against Peter Jacques. The ever improving Webster has the ability to get into the later stages of the tournament. With the forthcoming Matchplay not a million miles away Darren will be looking to improve his ranking to guarantee qualification for the Sky televised championship. JBD also host the popular PDC Fishing Championship for the fifth time this year on June 27th. This years championship is again being held at Manor Farm Fishing in Biggleswade and will feature the biggest line up yet of celebrity fisherman and woman. For full details please go to wwww.pdcfishing.co.uk